
Depositary and trustee services

Depositary and trustee services

We provide comprehensive depositary services to enhance the protection of your clients assets and meet the requirements of Undertakings for the Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) and Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD). We’ve been acting as depositary to UCITS since their introduction in 1989, and the broad knowledge and insight we’ve gained during that time has complemented our non-UCITS depositary knowledge and capability since AIFMD requirements were introduced in 2014.

We are authorized to act as a depositary in major European markets. We will work with you to understand the nature, scale and complexity of your products and develop a solution to ensure we meet our obligations as depositary.

We are responsible for safekeeping of financial instruments in our custody, Additionally we oversee, through ownership-verification and sales and purchase monitoring, other non-custody assets.

Cash monitoring
We provide daily monitoring of all cash flows and review of significant cash flow.

Our fund oversight includes valuation, the subscription/redemption process, distribution, timely settlement of transactions, and compliance with investment and borrowing power limits including oversight of third parties to whom you delegate these services.

Related services
We offer depositary lite services for non-EU alternative investment funds, private equity and real estate fund servicing, prime broker fund servicing, AIFMD regulatory reporting, and UCITS and AIMFD risk and liquidity monitoring.

Why State Street

We have extensive coverage across Europe, including markets where we have a leadership position.

We act as a depositary in Ireland, Luxembourg, UK, Germany, Italy, France, Austria, Switzerland and Netherlands.

We offer a fully independent depositary offering, while being integrated with State Street’s broader investor services product suite.

We work to understand changing regulations and requirements, and our active involvement with local regulators and industry bodies helps us to stay abreast of any upcoming changes. We will work with you to understand the specific implications for your business.

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