
2024 Markets and Financing Research Retreat

State Street Markets and Financing - Michael Metcalfe - Head of Macro Strategy - State Street

Research-driven insights that give you an edge

Our markets and financing research experts and academic partners from State Street Associates took center stage at our 23rd annual Markets and Financing Research Retreat (previously known as State Street LIVE: Research Retreat).

Our academic partners, guest speakers and strategists shared cutting-edge perspectives on critical issues in equity, fixed income and foreign exchange markets. The sessions dissected market trends in the context of narratives, sentiment, inflation and other proprietary data-driven indicators.

Our speakers offered fresh insights to a range of timely topics, including:

  • Is recession risk higher today in the United States compared to a year ago?
  • Has inflation really normalized everywhere, and will rates follow?
  • Is US monetary policy sufficiently restrictive?
  • Cash on the sidelines: Good news for private and public markets?
  • Will political risk trump fundamentals, and can we measure it and predict it?
  • Bubbles, battles and applications of artificial intelligence
  • Shifts in the UK asset management industry: Who will buy our Gilts?

We do the research. You reap the benefits.

Meet our 2024 keynote speakers

Jennifer bender

Jennifer Bender, Ph.D.

Chief Investment Strategist and Global Head of Investment Strategy & Research at State Street Global Advisors

Mark Kritzman

James Bullard

Former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Alberto cavallo

Alberto Cavallo

Thomas S. Murphy Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School, Co-Founder of PriceStats and State Street Associates Academic Partner

Robin Greenwood

Robin Greenwood

George Gund Professor of Finance and Banking at Harvard Business School and State Street Associates Academic Partner

Mark kritzman

Mark Kritzman

Chief Executive Officer, Windham Capital Management, Founding Academic Partner of State Street Associates and Faculty Member at MIT Sloan School of Management

Ronnie Sadka

Ronnie Sadka

Haub Family Professor of Finance, Senior Associate Dean for Faculty,
Finance Department Chairperson Boston College, Carroll School of Management and State Street
Associates Academic Partner

View the event replays