
Institutional Investor Indicators

Institutional Investor Indicator

Insights in plain sight. The State Street Institutional Investor Indicators. Driven by investor action.

Servicing more than 10 percent 1 of the world’s assets, we have a unique perspective into the flows and holdings of institutional investors. Drawing on partnerships with leading academics in finance and economics, our data scientists distill insights for clients from a vast proprietary database of aggregated and anonymized trades.

Our new suite of Institutional Investor Indicators provides a top-down view into the positioning, risk appetite and portfolio carbon exposure of thousands of institutional investors around the world, representing trillions of US dollars in assets. Unbiased. Unembellished. Unavailable anywhere else.


"Our clients look to us to provide timely insights from their collective data to help them achieve better outcomes. Unlike market surveys, which are often unscientific and rely on surprisingly small samples, our indicators leverage a large, aggregated and anonymized dataset to provide insight into what institutional investors are actually doing."

Tony b

Tony Bisegna

Head of State Street Global Markets

Institutional Investor Holdings Indicator
The monthly Holdings Indicator shows the aggregate holdings of institutional investors across three asset classes: stocks, bonds and cash. This simple information can tell us a lot about how investors view the economy and markets.

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Institutional Investor Risk Appetite Indicator
The monthly Risk Appetite Indicator is based on flows — buying and selling activity — rather than portfolio positions. It reveals whether investors, in aggregate, are buying risk or selling it. While the Holdings Indicator tells us about the current location, the Risk Appetite Indicator tells us about the direction of travel.

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State Street S&P Global Institutional Investor Carbon Indicator
The annual State Street S&P Global Carbon Indicator dives deep into an increasingly important risk factor for all investors: Carbon. In partnership with S&P Trucost, powered by S&P Global Sustainable1, the market leader in measuring carbon emissions, we’ve created a unique tool that measures the degree large investors — like mutual funds, pensions and sovereign wealth funds — are decarbonizing their portfolios.

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By the Numbers


In Flow Research for Real Money, Euromoney 2011-2022 2


Years of experience developing indicators of investor behavior for clients, State Street 2023 3


In Macro and Quant Research, Euromoney 2022 4

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