Operating responsibly
We define operational resilience as our ability to prevent, respond to and recover and learn from operational disruptions. Given the global interconnected financial markets in which we operate and the changing nature of threats that could impact operations — particularly with respect to geopolitical events and increasing cyber threats — we continuously assess the resilience of our operations.
We are committed to environmental sustainability in the way we operate, which means managing our operations in a manner that acknowledges, measures and endeavors to diminish impacts on the environment. By doing so, we aim to align our long-term success with the Earth’s ecological well-being, and create enduring benefits for our shareholders, clients, employees and the communities in which we live and work.
We support fundamental principles of human rights, such as those adopted in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We believe that upholding these principles is an important component of our culture and values. As a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), we confirmed our support of the UNGC’s 10 principles and our intent to advance them within our organization.