

Barry muir final

Barry Muir
Chief Operating Officer for EMEA

Barry Muir is executive vice president and chief operating officer for State Street in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA). In this role, he is responsible for all of our global delivery operations in the EMEA region.
Barry joined us in 2003 from Deutsche Bank as part of State Street’s acquisition of Deutsche Bank’s securities services business. Barry has spent his entire career in the asset servicing business, having previously held senior operational and client management positions within Bankers Trust and Deutsche Bank before joining State Street.
Barry was a long serving board member of Scottish Financial Enterprise, which is the primary industry body representing financial services in Scotland. Barry was also a founder of the Financial Services Advisory Board, which is a joint government and financial services industry committee, set up and chaired by the Scottish First Minister.
Barry attended the University of Dundee, studying English and history.