Daniel Morgan: When I think about this question, you know I'll break it up into 2 categories. the first being investment managers thinking about. You know their current workflows and exploring ways to gain efficiencies. And secondarily. Folks looking to launch additional products which call for additional reach beyond. You know what they have right now from a. From a trading perspective. You know now in in the first bucket, you know, in terms of questions that that folks should be thinking about asking providers and asking themselves, is, you know Number one. you know. Do I expect to gain Alpha from my from my trading implementation and my trading desk. you know, or you know, is it really just an implementation exercise necessary to implement investment ideas. And you know, thinking about that there are different answers where outsource trading may, you know, add value, particularly on, you know, on the gain Alpha sideit still falls into the category of, you know, using resources efficiently, and you know potentially accessing liquidity sources that we may be able to access that that they might not, in terms of that subject. The second question, you know, along the lines of what I what I mentioned before is, am I confident that I have the ability to access the right counterparties and liquidities within the asset classes that I'm trading and do. I have the resources to maintain the ongoing due diligence of a very broad counterparty list.
You know I would also point out that you know folks should think about who they are consuming research from to aid in Security selection. And you know how they're going to be able to access that you know, and how that access will be preserved. If you know, if they outsource a portion of their trading, and that's something that we can. We can architect and construct and really preserved that you know that that distribution of research that various South Side entities are providing you know what is the cost of my current trading infrastructure. And if any efficiencies could be had by, you know, by outsourcing a portion, you know what would that look like? And how can I quantify that? You know These are the I guess, intuitive questions that we like to have a back and forth with, you know, potential prospects. So you know that we can get to. you know, a potential solution for them. And then, finally, you know, in just thinking about. You know, from a business continuity perspective.
You know what would happen if I lost my dealing function or trading function unexpectedly. And how am I prepared to deal with that, and be able to still transact? You know now, in the second bucket, with firms looking to grow and expand beyond, You know, sort of their core offerings, a from a question. Perspective things like what's the best way to access markets. I want to access with these new contemplated strategies. You know what additional expense may I incur. Setting up not only a robust but a compliant infrastructure to transact in these additional markets. So it it's very much different things to different people in these, in these conversations are customized. So from our perspective. We want to have conversations. you know, when folks are scratching the surface around, you know, considering you know their entire workflow, and potentially outsourcing your utilizing, outsourcing to, you know, to streamline or help out with growth.