
The evolution of superannuation operating models

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Regulatory and stakeholder demands are driving superannuation funds to evaluate their operating models, with a focus on improving efficiency, preparing for potential mergers and scaling in a sustainable fashion.

March 2023

Frank smietana

Frank Smietana,
Head of Thought Leadership,
State Street AlphaSM

Peter sherriff

Peter Sherriff,
Director of Product Strategy, Asia Pacific, Charles River Development

Clayton issitt

Clayton Issitt,
Head of Client Solutions, Asia Pacific,
State Street AlphaSM

New regulations and stakeholder demands have challenged funds to increase operational efficiency and innovate while improving transparency. As a result, the continued pace of consolidation has sparked an evolution in the operating model design of traditional superannuation funds.

Superannuation fund operating model spectrum

In this article, our experts discuss how funds are evolving their operating models, and the ways in which investment and operations teams are navigating these changes to help deliver better outcomes to their members.


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