Artificial intelligence and the future of intelligent investing
Institutional investors of all types understand that data is a vital resource. Data remains not only the cost of entry but also, critically, the means of differentiation and competitive advantage.
October 2024
Chief Technology Officer, State Street Alpha
Head of Investment Insights, Sustainability & Impact, State Street
Enter artificial intelligence (AI), the ability of software to perform tasks that traditionally require human intelligence. By enabling large scale data capture and manipulation at speed, AI has the potential to fundamentally reshape financial services.
In this webinar, the panel discusses our continued investment and accelerated adoption of AI, machine learning, and natural language processing technologies across the investment lifecycle. We explore how State Street Alpha deploys AI to support portfolio construction, improve data accuracy and detect market opportunities in real-time.
We also discuss our latest research study from 520 institutional investors and the economic opportunities from AI. This is the first comprehensive industry study that quantifies the data opportunity in economic terms and provides insight into where firms stand in their data transformation journey, the challenges they face and the tools they have at their disposal.
With expertise from across the data science community, discover how State Street continues to leverage technology and innovation to help make better investment decisions.
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